Hello there! Hope everyone had a fantastic Mother's Day!
Today, I am featuring a project for Imaginisce done with the I top tool. With a little girl in the house, hair accessories are a MUST! So it was an easy choice to design one for this month's I-top project. Since my daughter LOVES pink I went with the Love You More Collection and some pink tulle to make up this cute I-top Bobby Pin.
Supplies: Love You More Collection, I bond Glue Gun, I rock, Hot Rocks, Pink Tulle, I top Bobby Pin, Medium Paper Punch. Twine, Glitter Glue.
To make this hair accessory, I began with the the Medium Paper Punch and I top tool to make the bobby pin.

I then took strips of paper and glued them around the backside of the bobby pin accessory.
Once the glue cooled, the took some pink tulle and bunched it in a flower, pom pom type shape and tied the middle of it with twine. Then I glued that behind the paper strips.
For that extra sparkle I love so much, I used the I-rock to adhere hot rocks to the center of the bobby pin and on the tulle. I added some glitter glue to the piece as well.
And there you have it! A very fun, vary pink, very girlie hair accessory.
Have a fabulous day!